[Update: the guide is open sourced – Mar 21, 2014]
The Guide is now here! You can put my knowledge of Marketo to work for you. This Guide explains how to actually use Marketo as a marketer. Take what you learned during Basic Training and the great Marketo videos to the next level with what’s in this Guide.
This Guide is designed to help you use Marketo more effectively for actual marketing. Learn what works and why it works in easy, step-by-step instructions, complete with detailed screenshots of actual Filters and Flows.
Who is the Guide For?
It’s for fellow marketers. And for fellow Marketo users. I heard from hundreds of users that they were lost between training and doing their jobs. I read hundreds of Community posts with the same requests. So I know there is a need for clear, detailed help.
New Users: 0-6 Months: just starting Marketo? You probably need scoring, data management, flows, and reporting. But how do you do that? It’s in the Guide.
Experienced Users: 7-18 Months: forget something? Or need to quickly check a flow? Consult the Guide for new ideas when your team is ready. You can hand your copy over to new team members too.
Masters and Admins: Sure, you know more than this Guide offers. Take advantage of a nice, searchable copy to find that one thing you just can’t remember. Thumb through the reference section to make sure you know exactly what that Filter Constraint does.
Buy Now: PDF $47.00 (if you don’t have PayPal, you can Press Use Credit Card).
If I valued the hours I put into this, I would have to charge you for $59,000 of consulting hours. Now all my knowledge is yours right now for $67. And if you love the feel of paper like I do, you can even get a print edition very soon.
Buy Now: PDF $67.00
A note on Marketo Certification: while this Guide is not endorsed by Marketo as a study Guide, I can tell you that roughly 80% of what’s on the test is in this Guide. I used my own Guide to prepare for the test and found the only major topic not covered by the Guide is using Marketo for PPC. You should use all the materials available and closely follow the study topics Marketo recommends.
“Josh has produced a practitioner’s guide to Marketo that should be required for anyone that touches the system. It goes well beyond the basics and provides key foundational knowledge that will accelerate revenue for your organization.”
I also want to make a special thank you to David Carnes at OpFocus. David has been a business mentor and supporter of this Guide from early on. David Carnes is one of the earliest and most well known SFDC Admins and his team works with Salesforce and Marketo. I highly recommend his services.
About OpFocus, Inc.
OpFocus was founded in 2006 with the goal of helping companies run their businesses better. OpFocus is a dynamic and fast-growing consulting group that delivers business solutions to clients by customizing applications such as Salesforce.com, Marketo, and other integrated tools. OpFocus takes pride in their work, and look forward to growing alongside customers and devising solutions to the new challenges they face.
OpFocus partners with sales, marketing, and support teams in a broad range of verticals to implement new applications or build upon existing systems to better meet the needs and reach the goals of clients.
I also want to thank the fine folks at Marketo for their help and encouragement. Especially to Marketo master, Jep Castelein, for his advice over the past few months. And of course Heather Watkins and Liz Couter for their kindness and assistance. And to Rod Cherkas for his help and invitation to be a Certification Beta Tester. There are many more acknowledgements inside the Guide. Take a look because you might find a new employee or vendor to help you with your marketing operations.
More acknowledgements
- Ryan Vong, Marketo Consultant.
- Andrew Hull of Elixiter
- Robbie Mitchell, Marketo master.
- Sam Boush, President of Lead Lizard
- Nic Zangre and Jason Long at The Pedowitz Group
- Chris Hokannsson at OneRedBird
- Alexandre Pelletier
Purchase the Marketing Rockstar’s Guide to Marketo Now.
Buying the Guide FAQ:
1. Why should I buy the Guide? Didn’t I receive training from Marketo?
Sure, and the Marketo training was pretty good, right? Now that you have the basics down, what you need now is to know how to build workflows for your business. I show you how to develop static list generators, Segmentations, and even Nurturing flows.
2. Marketo Community works pretty well for me, why do I need your Guide?
I love the Marketo Community too. In fact, I’m one of the biggest users. While newer features tend to have detailed videos and instructions, other features do not. And you still need to sift through dozens of articles to find out how to do certain things. The Guide organizes the best of the documentation and discussions, topic by topic, to help you find what matters faster. The Guide also contains several key requests from users: Reference to SOAP API and the Complete Reference to Filters, Flows, and Triggers.
3. Whatever, my Marketo Admin will help.
Really? What if they aren’t around? Why not become a Marketo Admin yourself? There are several chapters dedicated to being an Admin, including Preparing for Integration, How to Administer Marketo, and Data Management. Help yourself and become a guru and get that raise now.
4. My business is so different from everyone else’s, so no Guide will help me.
Yep, no Guide will ever tell you how to perfectly manage Marketo for just your business. Only you can do that. What I do in the Marketing Rockstar’s Guide to Marketo is show you how you can leverage Marketo for your business. Yes, you will still have to do that hard thinking and the hard work of creating the right set of workflows and I make it easier by showing you how I did it and how others did it and even a few tricks that will certainly be relevant for you. Try it. There’s a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
5. I’m a Marketo Certified Expert, SFDC Admin, 65th Level Dark Mage. Been doing this since 2007. What can you possibly offer me?
First, that’s awesome! Why didn’t you contribute to the Guide?
Second, Reference Guide. This is the ultimate, on your desk or desktop Guide to Marketo. Thumb through it to find new ideas. Or use it for the helpful reference materials at the end of each chapter. One chapter alone will save you hours of searching and is easily worth $67: Filters, Flows and Triggers: the Complete Reference.
6. I bought the Guide and found it to be useless. Where’s my money?
I’m sorry to hear that. I provide a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, just email me within 60 days of purchase at refunds [at ] marketingrockstarguides.com and I will refund your money in a day or two. Note: if you purchased the Print Guide, you must go through Amazon.com for your return. I cannot handle those returns.
7. Can I share the Guide with my entire team? It’s an easy to use PDF.
No. If you need multiple copies for your global (or not so global) marketing team, please purchase multiple copies. The purchase page provides an option for any number of licenses. You will still receive 1 download, but then you can send it out to the number of teammates you are licensed for. Let’s be honest here, your firm is paying for this and the cost is pretty minimal compared to the Marketo Summit, let alone what you pay Marketo each month. I’m sure you’d want your customers to do the same for you, so do the right thing by me too.
8. Can I use this Guide to study for Marketo Certification?
While this Guide is not endorsed by Marketo as a study Guide, I can tell you that about 80% of what’s on the test is in this Guide. (Look for yourself at the study topics). I used my own Guide to prepare for the test and found the only major topic not in the Guide is Using Marketo for PPC. Of course, that means you should study using all the materials available. Do not hold me responsible if you do not pass the Certification Exam because I cannot make any claims that it will definitely help you pass or not pass.
9. What about a Printed Guide?
This is not available. Design choices and the limitations of print on demand made it impossible to offer you a nice print version at a reasonable cost. You are welcome to print out a copy for yourself at your preferred copier.
Thanks for reading! I hope you are ready to purchase. If not, I understand. You aren’t ready to take action. If you have any questions, email me at marketo.guide {at} marketingrockstarguides.com. I’m here for you.
[4/11: updated to reflect regular pricing of $67]
Do you have some sample pages from your guide that you can send, particularly on RCA? Also, what’s the different bet your $47 and $67 PDF editions?
Hi Chris,
You can take a look at samples of the guide here: http://slideshare.net/jdavidhill there aren’t any samples on RCA though.
The guide is now $67.00 as I changed the price after April 10. Not sure where you see $47.