I put together a short list of cool things you can do with Marketo Landing Pages. Take a look.
These are cool little icons you see on web page bookmarks and browser tabs. See mine up above? They are useful for brand recognition as well as helpful reminders of what is going on in each tab on a browser. Many people have 10 or 20 tabs open at once, leaving room only for an icon. It’s so fast and easy, there’s no reason not to.
Step 1: Create or Find a Favicon.ico file
Which is 16x16px in size. Ask your designer for help. Or visit this site. or this one. [thanks Paola]
Your web team may already have one, so either ask them or pull it from the site yourself by doing View Source and looking for the code below.
Take that link and download the file, or copy that link for Step 3.
Step 2: Upload the .ico file to Marketo’s Images and Files section.
Perhaps under a folder called website-images
Step 3: Add the following tag to your template between <HEAD> and </HEAD>
<link rel=”favicon” href=”http://go.yoursite.com/favicon.ico”>
NOTE: this must be in the base URL as shown. Where yoursite.com is the link to your favicon.ico file which must be in the root directory as shown.
Video on Marketo Pages
When Marketo introduced the YouTube integration, some of these tips became outdated, but some are still useful depending on your goals.
- Video Use on Pages
- Search Articles on Video
- How to Use Video on Pages
- Embed video on a Marketo page
- More options on embedding video
- More How to Embed Video
- Tracking video and plays on Marketo Pages: Discussion 1 | Discussion 2
Remember to sign up for future updates because you don’t want to miss my special Marketing Rockstar’s Guide to Marketo offer exclusively for list members.
[Updated: October 3, 2018 with new options]
This is not working for me. Maybe because I don’t understand the steps. Step 2 suggests putting the icon in a folder websites-images, but yet the note below step 3 says the favicon must be in the root directory. My image is here: http://na-ab03.marketo.com/rs/mycompanysandbox/images/favicon.ico
I cannot see the image you mention for some reason. Is this the link from the .ico file you put in Marketo? Try placing it on your main site as http://www.yoursite.com/favicon.ico and then using the code in this post to place it in your Template.
Hi, I tried adding the code to the landing page (not the template), and although it is placed in the head, and the landing page is approved, it isn’t working for me.
Huh. Do you have a sample page you can post? Is the link and image correct? Did you do a hard refresh in another browser?