All you ever wanted to know about forms in Marketo. In one place.
Marketo’s Community has a large collection of instructions and discussions on modifying the standard forms to do what you want. The work is not always easy, often requiring a web guru, but it can almost always be done.
As I work on the Marketing Rockstar’s Guide to Marketo, I have collected dozens of links for this. I am sharing these with you today. I’ll do my best to include more details in the Guide, but for now, this is the place.
Marketo Form Instructions
Marketo Forms on Non Marketo Pages
Everyone’s favorite question. Here are the links:
- The IFrame Technique and a Discussion by a Practioner
- Discussion on Linked In about different options.
- Forms and CMS – another discussion from a different angle.
Changing the Form Styles
- Two Column Forms
- Change the Fonts
- Move the Form Button from Left to Right
- Move Form Button Up or Down
- Change the Form Text Color
- Radio Buttons to Horizontal
- Form Field Colors
- Form Button and Color Changes
- Labels on the Right
- Label Above the Form Fields
- Marketo Form Size Calculator – Eric Hollebone
Adjusting Form Settings
- Default a Form’s Checkboxes to True
- Hidden Fields
- Convert Form Multi-Select Box to Checkboxes – Eric Hollebone
Validations and Advanced Tricks
- Javascript API
- Disable autofill
- Control Form Pre-fill Settings [updated Jan 30, 2013]
- Clear a pre-filled field
- Client Side Validation [javascript code]
- Phone number validation
- Eric Hollebone’s Marketo Forms Tips & Tricks
- Double Submit to Marketo and another Database
- Geo IP Lookup
- Changing Picklist Values in SFDC or in Marketo
- Dynamically Add a Field
- Dynamically Change the Follow Up Page
- Dynamically Add State/Province based on country
- Comment Fields
- Using Segmentations
- SOAP API Calls: Munchkin Event, Ajax, Lead Conversion with Session Counting
- Reset field after Form Submit
- Hide the submitted form and say “Thank you” Instructions
- New from Rafael Santoni: Form in a lightbox with Thank You page on the parent tab. (updated 12/16/12)
- Blank Lead Help: Article 1, Article 2, Article 3
- Cannot Enter Data into the Form
Hi Josh. Any ideas on how to add text between fields in a form using javascript or jquery? Found the post, below, but its not working for me. JQuery documentation is hard to find.
Hi Liz,
No, I don’t :/. If that code isn’t working, post your specific question to Community or reach out to Eric directly. He usually knows.
Any idea how to add a help bubble over a form field label? I would like to have a bubble pop up with a description when someone hovers over my field label.
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for the heads up. Seems like Eric has taken down some of his pages. Not much I can do about that.
Hi Anna,
No, I’m not a javascript/form programmer. You might ask some people on the Marketo Community. I’m sure someone has done it already. I’m pretty sure Marketo will let you do this in a few months.
I’d like to find out more info on the topic “Convert Form Multi-Select Box to Checkboxes” but that link is dead. Do you have any information on this topic?
Hi RG,
Yeah, it seems some of those sites went offline sadly. I’d search for that. Here’s a good start:
I’m looking for the same thing … converting multiple selects to checkboxes. The Marketo article doesn’t cover converting them to checkboxes. Any other advice?
Other than creating a bunch of separate checkboxes and some javascript to map those back to the multi-select, no I don’t. Try asking a jquery guru or posting this question on the Community.
Any idea to add
custom html/css and jquery validations in marketo form 2.0